(Edit from the 3rd/12) : ATTENTION : in 2025, the administration is scheduling important work on the Sarthe river and the south part of the Mayenne. After September 8th, this suggested cruise will be unavailable. More information in this article.

Set course for the Plantagenêt City

Start Sablé-Sur-Sarthe| Period: 1 week (Sarthe) – 31H return cruise

Sail on the Sarthe and enjoy the historical heritage of the valley. From the little typical villages of Asnières and Parcé to the legacy of the Plantagenêt family ; from the numerous castles and mills to the landmark of ceramics that is Malicorne … Take the time to enjoy a week of vacation on waters and go look at the Chimeras of Le Mans that enlightens the city every sumemr night. Are you ready ?

Arrival on Monday at 2PM : boarding and training on your boat.
After 30 minutes of navigation : go through your first lock near Solesmes.


Navigation : 30min

Do not miss a visit of this stunning abbaye, renowned for its altarpieces and gregorian singings that you can here regularely and everyday.

Also, enjoy during the week end the art gallery “La Galerie du Chemin“.

To enjoy a panoramic view on this abbey, get higher up to Notre Dame du Nid’s chapel ! You can reach it from the main road of Port de Juigné accross the abbey.

Juigné sur Sarthe

Navigation : 10 min

Lovely little village hangingon top of a hill along the Sarthe’s Valley. Charming walks to do around the village to enjoy the old and preserved architecture ; thanks to the inhabitants’ work. Those willing to stretch their legs or have a little refreshments, you can push the door of Terre Activ’ behind the lock, the leisure base of the village.

Noyen Sur Sarthe

Navigation : 50 min

Stock up in this village that hosts many shops as a bakery, butchery, general store etc … And get a handfull of serenity walking on the dedicated spaces along the river !

Fercé sur Sarthe

Navigation : 1h10

Get back in time in this tiny village : take a look at Saint Pierre’s church and its altarpiece !


La Suze sur Sarthe

Navigation : 40 min

Good starting point for cyclist willing to visit the Château de Vilaines in Louplande (8km), a XVIIth castle with a remarkable indexed garden.

And for those that want to keep their feet in water, why not enjoy the pool of the city ?

cité plantagenêt

cité plantagenêt

cité plantagenêt

You are totally free on your journey’s way. Choose your visits and stopovers as you please.

Cap vers la cité Plantagenêt

Book my boat

Nicols Octo Fly 12
max : 12 Peoples |
 dim : 14,95 x 3,85 m
Nicols Octo
max : 10 Peoples |
 dim : 13,50 x 3,80 m