Anjou Navigation prices

Not always easy to find what you need among the many Anjou Navigation prices. With dozens of different boats, seasonal prices and different length of cruise : we are here to help you !

The different kind of cruise in Anjou Navigation prices

While, of course, we gladly accept any particular request, our prices are based on the following type of cruise :

Weekly booking

The weekly booking includes 7 nights.

The boats are available starting at 2PM and key return at 9AM.

Departures are possible on Mondays, Fridays and Saturdays.

Mini-week booking

The mini-week booking includes 4 nights.

The boats are available starting at 2PM and key return at 10AM.

Departures are possibles on Mondays and Tuesdays.

Week-end booking

The week-end booking includes 2 nights.*

The boats are available starting at 4PM and key return at 6PM.

Departures are possible on Fridays.

*possibility to spend the 3rd night onboard for free (key return Monday at 9AM)

Bank holidays formulas (Easter, Pentecost, etc ...)

Bookings on bank holidays include a minimum price equaling to said holidays. 

Like a week-end booking, boats are available the day before starting at 4PM and key return scheduled at 6PM (with also the possibility to spend the last night onboard).

Easter/Pentecost example : the minimum price includes a 4PM departure on Friday to a 6PM return on Monday. 

Seasonal prices of Anjou Navigation

Depending on the time of the year you wish to navigate, the prices will fluctuate accordingly.

As a general rule, the high season prices represents the summer holidays busy periods (bank holidays).

A price depending on the boat

Finally, the boat you choose will of course determine the price. Get a glimpse of our fleet by clicking here.

Include a discount

The online simulation will automaticaly calculte the minimum discounts presently in effect. Some discounts will need a discount code that you will find directly on the simulation’s webpage.

tarifs anjou navigation