French Specialty : Anjou, Sarthe and Mayenne : enjoy local food and wine on your cruise !
Explore Anjou, Sarthe and Mayenne : french specialty, wine, main course and desert are also one of the main patrimony of our region !

French gastronomy : it all starts by setting the mood right !
We always hear, sometime undiscerningly, about the french “art de vivre”. But here, let me tell you, when we gather round a table to enjoy the specialities that our parents, grand-parents and great-grandparents passed down to us … It is clear that we have some topics to talk about !
The Atlantic Loire Valley, and most precisely the territories deeper inland, are tinged with a subtle mix of rustic country-style but also the elegance that comes with all these vinewards ! Even the gruffest of our farmer is a fine cook and gourmet here in Anjou !
Wait, not so fast ! Before the main course, there is the “aperitif” !
Indeed : let’s not go too fast ! First, we settle the tables in a cool shaded courtyard, we unroll a long tablecloth, we bring a few chairs or long wooden benches … And of course the aperitif !
What about some “galipettes” ?
Whereas, in the rest of France, galipettes may have an other meaning … Here in Anjou “galipettes” are a dish made of stuffed mushroom caps ! A perfect finger food to set on a platter and pass through your guests. If you want to improve your french through a recipe, it’s this way !
Do not miss on the “rillettes” !
Don’t be a fool ! Do not even dream of coming here if you don’t give it a try, a famous Sarthe specialty. Some boiled pork that we serve cold on bread … delicious ! More information here !
“Rillauds” or “rillons” : a war of word between Touraine and Anjou
That is some serious french conflict here ! Do we say “rillauds” or “rillons” ? But wait … what does that even mean ?! Well, these are some delicious charcuterie, that you can serve cold or cooked, made out of cubes of pork belly. And regarding this important conflict, we say “rillauds” here in Anjou my good sir !
And a pre-dinner drink maybe ?
Let’s keep the wine for later. First of all, we uncork a good Pommeau du Maine. Made out of apple, cider and eau-de-vie : a lovely specialty of Mayenne !
Dinner is ready ! French specialty : from Anjou, Sarthe and Mayenne !
The “fouées” : a typical tradition of the Loire !
Let me paint you a picture : a large and white tuffeau stone cave, a stone bread oven … And many small dough that you will stuff with mushrooms, lard, beans, cheese, etc … Check out the recipe and history of this marvel !
The “marmite sarthoise” casserole, a mix of local products !
To each region its own simmering specialty. In Sarthe, we make a casserole with all of the delicious things we produce here ! Some premium Loué chicken, Jasnières (local white wine), vegetables from the garden, etc … Want to try it ? Find the recipe here !
You’re more of a pie person ? Mayenne’s got your back !
There is nothing prettier to put throning on the middle of a table than a well plated up ! The “Tourte Mayennaise” pie, is an addition of several local product : Entrammes cheese, apples baked with some Pommeau du Maine … and many other delicious things !
And wine to go along ! But of course : french specialty and most precisely : Anjou !
Rouge, blanc ou rosé ?
We already talked about the Jasnières, a white wine from Sarthe. But it is mostly toward Anjou that we will find a wide range of wine ! A few of the stars here :
- The Cabernet d’Anjou, a rosé wine with hints of fruits
- The Saumur and Saumur-Champigny, a Loire red wine
- A wide range of chenin white grape such as the delicious Coteaux du Layon !

Now that the bottles are open, we cannot miss out the opportunity of trying some cheese !
Time to take out the cheese platter … and choose which one to taste (no, just joking, go ahead and take a slice of each !).
In Anjou, first of all, we find many goat cheese : chabis, roumé, several logs etc … But also some tomme d’Anjou of course !
In Mayenne, we will find more cow cheese, with amongst them : the Port Salut, the Bon Mayennais (our own version of the infamous camembert !) and also, one of our favorite … the Bio d’Entrammes !
Is there a bit of room left for a dessert ?
It’s quite a difficult task in Anjou, when scheduling an event, to choose which dessert you will prepare … There is indeed a large choice of delicacies !
If you are looking for something “fresh”, then let’s give a shot to the “Crémet d’Anjou” … as light and smooth as a cloud ! Its little secret in french : click here !
In the fritter team, we also have a candidate ! We call it “bottereaux” here ! Traditionally prepared for a celebration called “Mardi Gras”, this little fritter in a diamond shape are baked with a little bit of eau-de-vie.
And, on the biscuit side, of course, we have in Sarthe the famous Sablé of Sablé-Sur-Sarthe !
And in Anjou, we strongly advise to try this curiosity : the Quernon d’Ardoide. Close your eyes and imagine … First, the melting blue chocolate (the inspiration for its name “ardoise” = the famous slate, black gold of Anjou) … and then the crisp caramelized nougatine.
And if you want a tart … what am I saying … the king of Anjou dessert of course ! The famous “pâté aux prunes” ! But don’t be mistaken : it has nothing the usual name “pâté” ! Here in Anjou, the Pâté aux Prunes is indeed a dessert, made of two tart dough between which we put a few reine-claude plums.